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us a method for etching aluminum foil for electrolytic Search

US5503718A - Method of etching aluminum foil for ...

a method of etching an aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitors, comprising the steps of electrolytically etching an aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitors that

Cited by: 8

US4455200A - Method for etching aluminum foil for ...

A method of etching aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitors comprising first etching using a high frequency alternating current of 1 KHz or above, and

Cited by: 6

Method for etching an aluminum foil for an electrolytic ...

Jun 30, 1992 A method for etching an aluminum foil for an aluminum electrolytic capacitor, which comprises immersing the aluminum foil in an etching solution containing a polymer electrolyte having cation exchange groups dissociable in the etching solution, and applying an electric current thereto, the etching being conducted in a plurality of stages and ...

Cited by: 11

US3779877A - Electrolytic etching of aluminum foil ...

ELECTROLYTIC EICI-IING OF ALUMINUM FOIL BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to the etching of aluminum foil, and more particularly to a two stage electro-etch for high purity...

Cited by: 51

US3085950A - Electrolytic etching of aluminum foil ...

Electrolytic etching of aluminum foil Download PDF Info Publication number US3085950A. US3085950A US7995A US799560A US3085950A US 3085950 A US3085950 A US 3085950A US 7995 A US7995 A US 7995A US 799560 A US799560 A US 799560A US 3085950 A US3085950 A US 3085950A Authority US United States Prior art keywords

Cited by: 23

Method for etching electrode foil aluminum electrolytic ...

We claim: 1. A method for etching foil for use in making aluminum electrolytic capacitors, comprising: impressing on aluminum foil, while in an electrolytic bath comprising an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid as an etching solution, an alternating current having a ratio of electric charge of negative cycle to positive cycle in the range of 0.2 to 2.0 and a duty ratio in

Cited by: 6

Method for etching an aluminum foil for an electrolytic ...

Jun 30, 1992 The present invention relates to a method for etching an aluminum foil for an electrolytic capacitor. More particularly, it relates to an etching method whereby the electrostatic capacity of an electrolytic capacitor can be remarkably increased by an increase of the surface area of the aluminum foil by etching, and an aluminum foil treated by such an

Method for etching electrode foil aluminum electrolytic ...

We claim: 1. A method for etching foil for use in making aluminum electrolytic capacitors, comprising: impressing on aluminum foil, while in an electrolytic bath comprising an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid as an etching solution, an alternating current having a ratio of electric charge of negative cycle to positive cycle in the range of 0.2 to 2.0 and a duty ratio in

US4676879A - Method for the production of an aluminum foil ...

Method for producing an aluminum foil for use in electrolytic capacitors, wherein an aluminum foil is subjected to treatment in a satination bath prior to conventional anodic etching. The satination bath gives the foil a more uniform surface condition, so that the subsequent etching occurs in a more uniform manner.

Method for manufacturing aluminum alloy foil for ...

Method for manufacturing aluminum alloy foil for electrolytic capacitor cathode. Cite. Download. Patent: JP-H09125214-A: Inventor: FUJIKAWA MUTSUKO. MATSUMOTO HIDEMIKI. Assignee: FURUKAWA ELECTRIC CO LTD. Date: Priority . 1995/10/30. This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent JP-H09125214-A. This includes chemicals

Combined AC and DC etching of aluminum foil - U.S. Philips ...

What is claimed: 1. A process for the electrolytic etching of aluminum capacitor foil comprising pre-etching said foil by immersing said foil in a first aqueous electrolyte bath containing, by weight, from 1-6% of HCl, 0-2% of H 3 PO 4 and 0-2% of HNO 3 while being subjected to an AC of a current density of 0.1-2.0 amps/cm 2 and a frequency of 15-100 Hertz while said first

Formation and mechanistic analysis of self-etched tunnels ...

Mar 28, 2020 To get rid of the dependence on an external current during the electrochemical etching of aluminum foil, we explored a self-etching tunnel method. Specimens were prepared by electrodepositing trace amounts of Cu onto the surface of aluminum foil, and self-etching occurred in the electrolyte without current input. The effect of electrodeposited Cu on the self

Texture Detection of Aluminum Foil Based on Top-Hat ...

Jan 22, 2020 A new method of texture detection for aluminum foil based on digital image processing technology is proposed. Top-hat transformation and image segmentation technology based on the connected domain are used to change the method of determining texture fraction by using human experience. Compared with the brightness method, pit detection method,

Principles: Aluminum electrolytic capacitors ELNA CO., LTD.

1. Surface Roughing (Etching) The raw foil for the anode uses a high-purity aluminum foil (a minimum purity level of 99.99%) that is normally 50 to 100 m thick. The cathode foil material uses an aluminum foil that is at least 99% pure and about 15 to 60 m thick.


Basic construction of aluminum electrolytic capacitor is shown in Fig. 1. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors consist of anode aluminum foil formed with aluminum oxide film on the surface to function as the dielectric. The cathode aluminum foil functions as a collector, and the liquid electrolyte functions as the real cathode.

Control of pit initiation sites on aluminum foil using ...

Nov 20, 2007 Fig. 1 shows the schematic of etching using a colloidal crystal as a mask. High-purity (>99.99%) aluminum foils predominantly composed of (1 0 0) faces were used in dc etching.A monodisperse suspension solution of polystyrene (PS) spheres (Nissin EM Co., Ltd Tokyo, 0.2% solids) was dropped onto the aluminum foil to prepare the physical mask.

Electrolytic Capacitor Materials: Aluminum, Tantalum, and ...

Oct 09, 2018 Along with this layering, you can etch the aluminum, forming a rough surface for the oxide to form, increasing an effective surface area up to 200 times more than a flat surface. -Aluminum capacitors can also act as a solid component, using manganese dioxide or a polymer to form a solid cathode instead of a liquid electrolytic solution.

FaradNet Electrolytic Capacitors Chapter 4

It might be mentioned in passing, that full advantage is taken of this fact in obtaining an accurate method of quickly checking for total aluminum content of aluminum foil. Etching of aluminum foil brings with it the important problem of removing all traces of chlorides and other contaminating substances, such as heavy metals, from the surface.

1. General Description of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

according to the rated voltage of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor. Therefore, in compare to other dielectric, similar voltage endurance is provided by dielectric even if thickness (d in the above formula) is thin. Furthermore, by etching the surface of aluminum foil, the effective area of the foil as compared to the apparent

function of aluminium foil in nitrate test

A 6-10 mu m thick vinyl acetate lacquer with antibacterial zeolite was cast onto the aluminum foil. This aluminum foil was later exposed to bacterial growth test and was shown to exhibit a ALUMINUM - Government of New Jersey Aluminum is a malleable, white metal or a shiny grey foil. Aluminum powder is white to grey in color. It is mined from ...

(PDF) Electrochemical AC Etching of Aluminum Foils in ...

The experimental results show that the electrochemical A.C. etching of aluminum foil gives suitable capacitance to electrolytic capacitors (62muF/cm(2)) at an etching frequency of

Electrochemical etching and anodizing as key stages of ...

Electrochemical etching and anodizing as key stages of surface treatment of aluminium foil for electrolytic capacitor industry. PAPER WITHIN: Product Development and Materials Engineering. AUTHOR: Harish Appusamy Boopathy, Pavan Kumar Bonthala. TUTOR: Caterina Zanella JNKPING, August, 2017. Application of Electro Chemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Electrochemical etching model in aluminum foil for ...

Jun 01, 2008 The material used in the DC etching experiments was a commercial aluminum foil (99.998 wt%) for high-voltage electrolytic capacitors.Graphite plate was used as the counter electrode. The schematic description of aluminum anode dissolving experiment is shown in Fig. 1.DC etching was carried out in a solution of 3.8 M H 2 SO 4 with addition of 0.7 M HCl at a

Pit nucleation behavior of aluminium foil for electrolytic ...

The experimental results show that the electrochemical A.C. etching of aluminum foil gives suitable capacitance to electrolytic capacitors (62muF/cm(2)) at an etching frequency of

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

The anode of an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is an aluminum foil of extreme purity. The effec-tive surface area of this foil is greatly enlarged (by a factor of up to 200) by electrochemical etch-ing in order to achieve the maximum possible capacitance values. The type of

Effect of electrodepositing Ag on DC etching aluminum ...

Jan 23, 2017 Ag nuclei were electrodeposited on the surface of aluminum foil to induce tunnel etching. The effects of Ag nuclei on the surface and cross-section etching morphologies and electrochemical behavior of Al foil was investigated with SEM, polarization curve (PC) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It is proved that the tunnels etched in this way

FaradNet Electrolytic Capacitors Chapter 8

This method has one drawback and that is the anode foil being etched, must be of a certain minimum cross section in order that the high values of current required, can be carried without actually melting the foil in question. In still other methods of etching, the same principle of accelerated action is obtained without the application of an ...

Etched Aluminum Foil Products Suppliers Engineering360

Electrolytic tunnel etching of aluminium foil The most effective method of etching aluminum foil for high voltage electrolytic capacitors is the electrolytic tunnel etching with direct current in an aqueous solution of chloride salts.

Modelling specific capacitance of D.C. etched aluminium ...

Jun 02, 2015 The morphology of etched aluminum foil was observed using scanning electron microscopy, which led to the establishment of a cubic tunnel etch model and a trench tunnel etch model. With these two modes, the theoretical maximum specific capacitance values for the anode foil used in aluminum electrolytic capacitors were calculated with Matlab at various

Effect of Thiourea on the Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum ...

Jul 23, 2018 Aluminum electrolytic capacitor is one of the key components in electric appliances and is widely used in novel energy storage and conversion devices (Ref 1, 2), liquid crystal display fabrication, and integrated circuit process (Ref 3,4,5,6).The electric capacitance (C) of aluminum electrolytic capacitors can be expressed by using the following formula of C =

1. General Description of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

according to the rated voltage of the aluminum electrolytic capacitor. Therefore, in compare to other dielectric, similar voltage endurance is provided by dielectric even if thickness (d in the above formula) is thin. Furthermore, by etching the surface of aluminum foil, the effective area of the foil as compared to the apparent

Formation and effect of the branched layer during the ...

Sep 03, 2019 The electrochemical DC etching of (100)-oriented aluminum foil in hot aqueous chloride solutions, which generates high-density crystallographic tunnels (density > 10 7 cm 2) along the (100) directions, has been commercially applied to produce high-surface-area electrodes for aluminum electrolytic capacitors.The high surface area of the electrode

Texture Detection of Aluminum Foil Based on Top-Hat ...

Jan 22, 2020 A new method of texture detection for aluminum foil based on digital image processing technology is proposed. Top-hat transformation and image segmentation technology based on the connected domain are used to change the method of determining texture fraction by using human experience. Compared with the brightness method, pit detection method,

Principles: Aluminum electrolytic capacitors ELNA CO., LTD.

1. Surface Roughing (Etching) The raw foil for the anode uses a high-purity aluminum foil (a minimum purity level of 99.99%) that is normally 50 to 100 m thick. The cathode foil material uses an aluminum foil that is at least 99% pure and about 15 to 60 m thick.

(PDF) Electrochemical AC Etching of Aluminum Foils in ...

The experimental results show that the electrochemical A.C. etching of aluminum foil gives suitable capacitance to electrolytic capacitors (62muF/cm(2)) at an etching frequency of

Etched Aluminum Foil Products Suppliers Engineering360

Electrolytic tunnel etching of aluminium foil The most effective method of etching aluminum foil for high voltage electrolytic capacitors is the electrolytic tunnel etching with direct current in an aqueous solution of chloride salts.

Electrochemical etching model in aluminum foil for capacitor

The etching of aluminum foil is a form of pitting and occurs mainly at grain boundaries and grows along the < 100 > direction [7][8] [9]. Early studies added trace elements to

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Application Guide

The cathode foil is etched in a different manner than the anode foil, and may be stabilized or passivated but does not usually go through a Forming process. The anode and cathode foil rolls typically weigh about 100 kg (220 pounds) and are nearly 0.5 meters (20 inches) wide during the foil processing, and are cut into narrower rolls during the

Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Online Ordering PDF ...

Furthermore, by etching the surface of aluminum foil, the effective area of the foil can be increased 80-100 times for low voltage capacitors and 30- 40 times for middle 1 high voltage capacitors. As a result, aluminum electrolytic capacitors have a higher capacitance for a given apparent area than other capacitor types.

Effect of mechanical attrition on anodizing of DC-etched ...

Abstract On tunnel-etched aluminum foil for electrolytic capacitor, the barrier dielectric film, -Al2O3, was formed by a mechanical attrition enhanced anodizing process. The anodizing was conducted in a traditional boric acid solution and the mechanical attrition (MA) action was applied by impact of nano-sized -Al2O3 particles on the sample surface with a special vibrating

Growth of Tunnels during Aluminum DC Pulse Current Etching ...

High-purity aluminum foil was etched with DC pulse current in acids solutions at first time. Experiments indicated that tunnels morphology was influenced by current density, pulse duty-cycle and frequency of DC pulse current, tunnels began to grow when the current density reached to 0.8A cm-2, and tunnels grew along three directions to form a netlike construction in the

Cathode foil for Aluminum electrolytic capacitors - AFT

Graphene coated aluminum foil for supercapacitor/power battery. Cathode foil for Aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Cathode foil for Aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Etching collector for supercapacitor. Etching collector for supercapacitor. Polymer carbon foil -Solid state capacitors. Polymer carbon foil -Solid state capacitors.

Aodizing Properties of High Dielectric Oxide Films Coated ...

ZrO2 films were coated on aluminum etching foil by the sol-gel method to apply ZrO2 as a dielectric material in an aluminum(Al) electrolytic capacitor. ZrO2

Structure and Degradation of Aluminum Electrolytic ...

Dec 15, 2019 Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors (AECs) are used at the dc-link of power electronic converters (PECs) as an energy buffer. During their lifecycle operation, various voltage and current stresses are imposed on these capacitors. These stresses lead to the degradation and hence, the failure of the AEC. This paper is based on studying the internal structure of

Effect of electrodepositing Ag on DC etching aluminum ...

Jan 23, 2017 Ag nuclei were electrodeposited on the surface of aluminum foil to induce tunnel etching. The effects of Ag nuclei on the surface and cross-section etching morphologies and electrochemical behavior of Al foil was investigated with SEM, polarization curve (PC) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It is proved that the tunnels etched in this way

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors for audio applications ...

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors for audio applications. The structural material for aluminum electrolytic capacitors and their impacts on sound quality are summarized in Table 1. A skillful material combination is essential in providing superior sound performance. Generally, the sound quality improves at lower multiplier values.

Effects of electrodeposited Zn nuclei on tunnel etching ...

A high density of tunnel pits can be generated on aluminum surface by using the DC etching [5][6][7][8][9]. Because the capacitance of the etched aluminum foil is

Computational simulation and efficient evaluation on ...

Jul 15, 2021 The method of electrochemical etching on aluminum foil used in aluminum electrolytic capacitors has been widely applied to generate vertical tunnels along (100) directions and significantly increase the specific surface area of aluminum foils.